The Health Innovation Hub (H2i) is hosting its annual Fall Kick-off Event on Thursday, September 22, 4-5:30 PM EST.
Bringing together mentors and entrepreneurs to celebrate achievements from the past year and introduce exciting upcoming activities for 2022-23.
The kick-off event will feature a lineup of four dynamic experts for a panel discussion and Q&A. The discussion will focus on four themes changing the paradigm of health care delivery: Artificial Intelligence, Molecular Biology Revolution, Senior Care Rehab, Mental Wellness. This will be followed by a 25-minute breakout room session to network with the community and further discuss these topics and their implications for your businesses.
This year, questions for the panel discussions are driven by you, the community, please feel free to share your thought provoking questions to any of the four themes with us at .
Please register by September 20th at the latest, by clicking here. You will receive an automatic email confirming your registration and zoom link details right after registering with a link. Please take the time to bookmark the link into your calendar.
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EST