Disruption resulting from the proliferation of AI is coming. Is your business prepared to identify disruptive opportunities and threats resulting from it? Join three leading experts and authors of the bestselling Prediction Machines, deep-dive into AI as a prediction technology, and share practical tips, tools, and strategies to harness the power of AI in your decision-making.


5:00-6:00 pm – book talk
6:00 – 6:45 pm – reception

Book Synopsis:

Disruption resulting from the proliferation of AI is coming. The authors of the bestselling Prediction Machines describe what you can do to prepare.

Banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, medical technology, retail. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into many industries around the world. But the truth is, it has just begun its odyssey toward cheaper, better, and faster predictions to drive strategic business decisions—powering and accelerating business. When prediction is taken to the max, industries transform. The disruption that comes with such transformation is yet to be felt—but it is coming.

How do businesses prepare? In their bestselling first book, Prediction Machines, eminent economists Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb explained the simple yet game-changing economics of AI. Now, in Power and Prediction, they go further to reveal AI as a prediction technology directly impacting decision-making and to teach businesses how to identify disruptive opportunities and threats resulting from AI. Their exhaustive study of new developments in artificial intelligence and the past history of how technologies have disrupted industries highlights the striking phase we are now in: after witnessing the power of this new technology and before its widespread adoption—what they call “the Between Times.” While there continue to be important opportunities for businesses, there are also threats of disruption. As prediction machines improve, old ways of doing things will be upended. Also, the process by which AI filters into the many systems involved in application is very uneven. That process will have winners and losers. How can businesses leverage, or protect, their positions?

Filled with illuminating insights, rich examples, and practical advice, Power and Prediction is the must-read guide for any business leader or policy maker on how to make the coming AI disruptions work for you rather than against you.

About the Speakers:

Ajay Agrawal is Professor of Strategic Management and Geoffrey Taber Chair in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. He is founder of the Creative Destruction Lab, cofounder of Next 36 and Next AI, and cofounder of Sanctuary, an AI/robotics company. Ajay conducts research on the economics of innovation and is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and faculty affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

Avi Goldfarb is the Rotman Chair in AI and Healthcare and Professor of Marketing at Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. Avi is also Chief Data Scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab, a fellow at Behavioral Economics in Action at Rotman, a faculty affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. A former senior editor at Marketing Science, Avi conducts research on privacy and the economics of technology.

Joshua Gans is the Jeffrey S. Skoll Chair of Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Professor of Strategic Management at Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. He is Chief Economist of the Creative Destruction Lab, department editor (Strategy) at Management Science, and cofounder and managing director of Core Economic Research. Joshua has published numerous books on innovation, disruption, entrepreneurship, and most recently, pandemic economics. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a research affiliate at MIT, a senior academic fellow at the e61 Institute, a distinguished fellow of the Luohan Academy, and a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.

Event Logistics:
This event is available to attend in-person or virtually via livestream.

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