The Circulars Accelerator is advancing the global transition to a more circular economy, connecting organizations prioritizing circular innovation, with disruptors seeking to scale circular solutions. The accelerator plays a pivotal role in catalyzing circular innovation across the globe.

Led by Accenture in partnership with Anglo American and Ecolab and hosted digitally on the World Economic Forum’s platform for SDG innovation, Uplink.

What is it?

A six-month program connecting innovators and entrepreneurs with cross-industry leaders and circular experts. The program provides expert mentorship and targeted business advice, supporting innovators to rethink their propositions and scale up their circular solutions.

Who should apply?

We enroll a cohort of early-to-growth-stage innovators in need of specialized, tailored support to accelerate their journey to scale.

Why The Circulars Accelerator?

Building the circular economy requires disruptive innovative solutions that transform industries and value chains. Yet, individual companies bringing innovative solutions won’t deliver the change we need. Forging a path to a truly circular economy requires collaboration across the ecosystem.

Today, multinational organizations with increasingly complex supply chains and processes want to maintain a pulse on innovation. By contrast, entrepreneurs have the disruptive solutions to solve these challenges, but may lack the capital, resources or enabling networks to replicate and scale their solutions at pace. The Circulars Accelerator is solving this mismatch across the ecosystem, triggering new collaboration across multiple industries and value chains to explore and overcome current circular challenges.

Why now?

We are at a critical juncture. Alongside the climate crisis, we face a complex matrix of environmental and socio-economic challenges. With less than a decade to deliver on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, leaders must act for impact now.

A step change is needed. With the circular economy, we have an opportunity to transform these challenges into opportunities, reinventing the ways we produce and consume to ‘build back better. Transitioning to a circular economic model is critical to reducing environmental degradation, whilst also delivering on future competitiveness presenting a unique market opportunity upwards of $4.5 trillion by 2030. By embracing the circular agenda, we can create a healthier, more equitable, thriving ecosystem that circulates value for all through the economy and society.

Learn more or apply here

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