U of T resources

Innovations & Partnerships Office 

The Innovations & Partnerships Office (IPO) is your first stop for commercialization at U of T. IPO manages U of T’s portfolio of intellectual property (IP) and helps build successful…

University of Toronto Libraries 

University of Toronto Libraries supports campus entrepreneurs enrolled in courses and programs, commercializing research, and launching startups on their own or via a campus accelerator.

Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society 

Brings together expertise across sectors and disciplines to reinvent laws, institutions, and social values so that powerful technologies such as AI are responsible, inclusive, and beneficial to everyone.


The MADLab is a student-centric facility, at the heart of the downtown campus, devoted to accelerating mobile software development at University of Toronto.

Ideation Clinic 

Ideation Clinic features the Praxis Ideation Challenge is a program intended to help you develop or refine potentially commercializable ideas for those living with spinal cord injury. Based on your…

Department of Computer Science Innovation Lab (DCSIL) 

The DCSIL program incubates and fosters knowledge that has successfully produced many startups by bringing software and startup-specific education to undergraduate and graduate classes. Each semester DCSIL focuses on engaging…

Entrepreneurship Open Learning Series 

The BRIDGE welcomes students, staff, faculty, alumni, and local and international community of emerging entrepreneurs to enhance their learning of entrepreneurship through the Entrepreneurship Open Learning Series. Start your entrepreneurship journey…

Research Readiness Experiential Modules: Commercialization 

Imagine that you have made a research discovery! Now what? Learn how discoveries are translated into new products and services.

U of T Diverse Supplier Portal 

The U of T Diverse Supplier Portal is a directory of social enterprises, diverse/equity-deserving, and local suppliers. The Portal is designed to support diverse businesses by increasing their access to…

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Results: {{totalResults}}
Department Campus Course Name Code Level

The University of Toronto Startup Guidebook 

The University of Toronto Startup Guidebook is intended for U of T faculty, staff, and students interested in launching a startup company based on intellectual property developed at the U...

Inventor's Guide to Technology Transfer 

The Inventor’s Guide to Technology Transfer outlines the essential elements of technology transfer at the University of Toronto (U of T). This guide is organized to answer the most common...